Magnaflow Exhaust opened their doors for the event. what a shop!
Super clean work space and what about the dyno room. Only one thing to say, QUALITY!
Stephan Szantai was on hand to record the activities for the second anual VW Trends event. Don Grainer from Scat was there as well.
A nice collection of cars was assembled to put the power down.
AJ Sims had his Kadron powered car on hand. He had some tuning issues and could only get 146hp with 144ft pounds of torque out of her.
Muffler Mike Sheldon brought his TG Fab turbo powered rocket out. He hit 285hp with 260ft pounds of torque.
Kris and Jason brought out the fastest 1/4 mile 4 cylinder in the world. They had hopes of doing a few pulls but found out the rear end was too narrow to fit on the dyno.
There were quite a few "CLF" regulars on hand for the event.
At the end of the day, Scott Fetherolf pulled down the numbers. With a stagering best hp rating of 336.6 and torque rating of 382.2 foot pounds, this is one bad ass ride!
Dyno Don Chamberlin was the MC for the day. Here he is showing off the official tally board.
Here is a close up of what everybody finished with. Not to shabby for a bunch of "Beetle Bugs".